If you were planning to open a coffee shop in the state of Oregon, you probably have a lot of questions about the legal requirements to do business in this state. It is always a good idea to verify what licenses and other information you need to have handled for your business before you open up shop. The food service and food handling Industries are governed uniquely within each state, so there will always be special requirements per state that you might not have experienced in other places.
This means that even if you have another coffee shop in another state that you were successfully operating, you might not know everything you need to know about opening a new shop in Oregon. Knowing more about the legal processes and requirements that you will need to get your shop sorted out before you open it is important.
What Are the State Requirements for Opening a Coffee Shop in Oregon?
Beyond considerations of licensure and legal requirements, you will also need to figure out what kind of location you want to open your shop in. You can choose to open your coffee shop and a brick-and-mortar building, or you might want to have a coffee stand that is alongside a roadway or near a parking lot. Both models of the shop can be very successful, but you might need to put different kinds of licensure in place for each of these different kinds of locations.
You also need to consider what your plan is to acquire the equipment that you need to operate the shop, as well as your plans for staffing and marketing. If you are already operating another shop in another state, you probably have a pretty good idea of how you want all of these items to work. For those who are not as familiar, you should do some research about business planning and business marketing before you jump in with both feet.
Types of Licenses You Need to Buy Before Opening a Coffee Shop in Oregon
You will need to have some specific licenses for your shop before you can start operations in the state of Oregon.
Oregon Business License
You’ll need to have a business license which states whether you are a corporation or a limited liability company, and it is granted by the Secretary of State. If you decide to be a sole proprietor or a partnership, you will only have to get an assumed business name certificate in place of your business license. There are different fees associated with both of these kinds of licensure, and you will need to look into the pros and cons of each of these licenses as well as their limitations.
Oregon Food Service License
You also need to get a food service license which requires two simple steps. The first step is to obtain a plan review from the local health department, and you will have to give them a copy of your proposed menu as well as the detailed plan of the coffee shop that shows the location of things like electrical, plumbing, and ventilation.
Once this plan is approved, you also apply for a separate Food Service license, and the amount of the licensing fee will be based on the number of guests that your coffee shop is going to seat. Both you and all of your employees will also have to have food handler certification from the Department of Health. No one can work at the location without the certification, so do not make the mistake of thinking that because you have the certification, that is enough.

Additional Things You Need to Buy to Be in Coffee Shop Business in Oregon
You also need to get a tax identification number for your business for both state and federal taxes. You want me to provide Workers Compensation Insurance for all of your employees as well.
Things You Need to do to Stay in Coffee Shop Business in Oregon
As with other businesses, you will need to pay your taxes every year, you’ll need to keep your insurance for your property and your Worker’s Compensation Insurance current, and you will need to be good about paying your workers and keeping your coffee shop stocked. You also need to submit to an annual inspection of the premises done by the Health Board to make sure that your business is operating within expected limits.
There is no sales tax in the state of Oregon, so you will not have to be concerned with sales tax while you’re in business in this state. Make sure to consider having a budget each year for marketing materials and for possible expansion or other forms of business promotion.
This guide is not a complete or authoritative list of all of the things that you must legally do to remain in business in the state of Oregon. You should be sure to check the Secretary of State’s website for the state of Oregon to review all of the rules, regulations, and necessary steps that you will need to undertake to operate a business in the state. These rules and regulations apply just at the state level, and there might be County specific rules and regulations that you need to follow as well.

Evaluate the Market Before You Decide to Open a Coffee Shop in the State of Oregon
Always consider doing market research before you decide to open a coffee shop in the state of Oregon. There are many places where lots of coffee shops will be competing with you, and you might need to consider your options and other locations well before you apply for business licensure. The Pacific Northwest is the original home of the Starbucks Corporation which can make coffee shop ownership and operation complex in some areas of the state.
Owning a coffee shop can be very rewarding and very profitable, but you will have to be certain that you are taking every possible step to run your business legally and correctly for the rules of the state of Oregon. Make sure to do research carefully before you start applying for licenses, and be certain that you are aware of the differences between state, federal, and county requirements for your business.