As the second most popular drink in the world, coffee plays a vital role in the daily lives of many people. Coffee shops see regular customers every day, building their community network and helping many workers start their morning off on the right foot. Deciding to open your coffee shop can be a great way to improve and interact with your community, but you’ll need a few things before you can start.
There is a lot of equipment that’s necessary to have on hand before your new coffee shop can open its doors. Even if you plan on keeping things simple, there are some things your new shop just can’t live without.
Coffee, Espresso, and Beverage Equipment List
Espresso Grinder & Regular Coffee Grinder

Having a way to freshly grind your beans before every drink will drastically improve the quality of your coffee. However, an espresso grinder will be different from a regular coffee grinder, so make sure you invest in one of each kind. Another thing to keep in mind is that you’ll likely need a third grinder for decaf drinks, even if you don’t expect as many decaf orders.
Espresso Machine

No coffee shop is complete with an espresso machine. Don’t be stingy and find a cheap machine, though, as this will be reflected in the quality of the coffee you serve. A good espresso machine is important as it will be doing a lot of work day in and day out, so make sure you invest in a good, new commercial machine.
Coffee Brewers

Some customers will come in looking for a simple cup of joe, so having a regular coffee brewer on hand will ensure you’re prepared for them. You may decide to offer multiple types of brewing methods such as a siphon or a pour-over, but this isn’t necessary if you’re only just starting.

Serving blended drinks will give you more options, but you’ll need a blender on hand to do so. Getting a commercial-grade blender will ensure that your blender doesn’t break down in the middle of a rush, but having one on backup is always a good idea.
Iced Beverage Dispensers

Some people will come into your shop for a caffeine-free beverage and having an iced tea and juice dispenser will make it possible to serve them as well. From the classic sweet tea to a house-made guava juice, you’ll find that this piece of equipment is invaluable.
Hot Water Dispenser
If your coffee brewer or espresso machine doesn’t come with a hot water dispenser, then you must buy a separate one. It will make serving hot tea quicker and give you quick access to boiling water, whether you need to clean a mug or fill a coffee brewer.
Coffee Shop Cooking Equipment

You may not put a prime focus on providing baked or cooked goods, but offering a few small baked items will greatly improve customer satisfaction. You’ll need a way to toast or heat these things, though, as many customers will want something warm to enjoy with their coffee.
If you don’t plan on baking your food items, having a countertop convection oven or toaster oven of some kind will give you an easy way to heat treats and snacks for your customers.
Coffee Shop Refrigeration and Washing Equipment

Depending on the size of your coffee shop, you may find that a large refrigerator is enough to hold all your milk and other perishable ingredients in the back. Larger coffee shops may need to invest in walk-in coolers, but many smaller shops can get away with large fridges in the back.
You will likely want a display fridge of some sort. Keeping pre-packaged drinks and snacks in a cool place is important to ensure freshness all day long.
Another thing to consider is a freezer. You’ll need a place to keep certain frozen goods. Again, smaller shops may be okay without a full walk-in freezer as a large standup freezer may offer enough space.
Ice Machine

Having an ice machine in-house will keep you from worrying about running out of ice and having to get more during the day. With a reliable ice machine, you can keep up with the demand for iced drinks even during the summer rushes and all without leaving the bartop.
Underbar Sink
To make handwashing easy, installing an underbar sink is important. It provides an easy place to dump out remaining liquids, clean out blenders and brewers, and wash your hands.
Commercial Dishwasher

A commercial dishwasher will make a huge difference when it comes time to clean used mugs, plates, and silverware. They’re a way to quickly wash a lot of dishes and are easy to use and maintain. Most commercial dishwashers are very compact and will likely fit under your countertop without hindering your walk space.
Coffee Shop Water Filtration
Filtered water makes a big difference in the taste of coffee, so having a commercial water filter will help you provide better-tasting coffee that’s safe to consume. A water filter will catch any sediment that may otherwise escape your regular filter and prevent buildup in your other coffee equipment.
Coffee Smallwares and Beverage Wares
Espresso Tampers

An espresso tamper is used to pack down the coffee grounds before brewing. It is important to ensure that the tamper matches the size of your espresso machine’s portafilter basket, but if you choose a standard machine, then you shouldn’t have too much trouble finding a tamper that fits.
Frothing Pitchers

Have fun with latte art and other specialty drinks with a frothing pitcher. With a spout on one side of the pitcher, these little tools make pouring steamed milk easy and quick.
Knock Box

Knock boxes make emptying your espresso portafilter quick. With a bar across them, knock boxes allow you to tap the portafilter against it and smoothly empty the used grounds without needing to walk around in search of a trash can. They also ensure that grounds are kept out of the sink and trash.
Measuring Cups & Spoons

To ensure every drink is as delicious as the next, you’ll need measuring cups and spoons on hand that you can use for each ingredient.

If you plan on selling coffee beans or grounds in bulk, you’ll need a scale on hand so that you can package them all to be the same weight.
Syrup Pumps
A good syrup pump will keep your syrups fresh for longer and ensure that each pump is a consistent amount, making it easy to measure the amount of syrup in each drink.

Having a timer near a brewed coffee pot is a good way to keep an eye on how old it is. This will help you keep your brewed coffee fresh. Timers can also be useful if you’re working on multiple drinks at once and need to step away while a drink blends, steeps, or brews.
Mugs & Cups

For anyone dining in, you’ll want to have reusable mugs and cups. You’ll need different sizes and even different styles if you want to serve each drink in the classic glass style. From espresso cups to iced drink glasses, you’ll want to have multiple glasses on hand to serve any drink size and type.

Customers that order a baked good will need dinnerware and silverware when they dine in. You’ll need quality plates, bowls, forks, spoons, and knives to accommodate those that want to sit in while they enjoy their drink and a small meal.
Sugar & Cream Pourers

You may want to use sugar packages or poured sugar, but either way, you’ll need a way to serve it to in-house customers. Same with any cream you want to provide at each table.
Keeping cups, lids, straws, sugars, and creamers all neat and organized is impossible without dedicated organizers. Even just having a place to put everything when it’s set out on a table will help you keep things more organized and easy for customers to get to.
Disposable Coffee Shop Supplies List
Cups, Straws, & Lids

Customers that get their coffee to go will need disposable cups, straws, and lids that can be easily disposed of when they’re finished. You’ll need different cups for hot drinks and cold drinks, but choosing biodegradable options will help your shop stand out from the competition.
Coffee Cup Sleeves

When you serve hot beverages to go, most customers will want a coffee cup sleeve to keep their hands safe from the heat. Having custom coffee cup sleeves can not only help with branding but will also add a unique touch to your business.

Spills happen and customers will need napkins. Make sure you always have napkins and napkin dispensers on hand at your shop.
Take-Out Carriers

When customers order more than two drinks, they’ll expect to receive a cup carrier. Keep some easy and on hand so that you can quickly offer one up to a customer that needs it.
Disposable Dinnerware

Customers that order baked goods will need a way to carry them out and then later eat them, so you’ll need disposable to-go boxes as well as silverware.
Coffee Shop Consumables
Consumables at the things that you’ll use day in and day out that will need to be replaced as you run out. Since they’ll be used to make your drinks, though, you can’t very well start your shop without first stocking your shelves with the consumables that you’ll use.
Coffee & Espresso

Espresso is thicker than regular coffee, but you’ll need both to meet the needs of all your customers. You’ll need a good supply of both espresso and coffee on hand, so make sure you find a good supplier and one that you can afford to keep.

Milk is a huge part of coffee, but many customers will have dietary restrictions or certain preferences for what type of milk they drink. You’ll need a variety of milk on hand, both dairy-free options, and regular milk. You’ll also want to have half and half.

Whether you sell loose leaf tea or use tea bags, make sure you have a wide variety of everyone’s tastes and preferences.

Chai is an extremely popular beverage, so make sure you have a way to make both hot and chai beverages for eager customers.
Hot Chocolate

Everyone loves a good cup of hot chocolate. From little kids that come in with their parents to people who just want to enjoy a childhood classic, hot chocolate is always important to have on hand. Whether you choose to make a thick, drinking chocolate or offer hot chocolate powder, make sure you have a supply of it at all times.
Coffee Equipment Cleaning Supplies List
Coffee Equipment Cleaners

You can expect to spend anywhere from $6 to $20 per bottle of coffee equipment cleaner. You can choose either powdered or liquid cleaners, but remember to clean out all your equipment daily to ensure that it remains in good condition and doesn’t break down.

At the end of the day, you’ll need to clean and wipe down all tables and counter surfaces, so you’ll need to buy food-safe sanitizer that you can use.
Dishwashing Supplies

When it comes to cleaning your dishes, blenders, and other beverage-making supplies, you’ll need soaps and cleaners that will fully sanitize and clean them. You’ll need to clean all syrup pumps, mixing spoons, milk frothers, and steam wands, so make sure the cleaners are food safe and efficient.
Cleaning Brushes

Cleaning brushes can make it easier to clean those hard-to-reach places and keep you safe with cleaning blades or sharp tools.
Trash Cans & Recycling Bins

Having trash cans and recycling bins accessible to both customers and staff is important for keeping your coffee shop clean. Make sure you also have bags for both types of disposal bins so that at the end of the day, emptying the bins is quick and easy.
What Happens After You Have Your Coffee Shop Equipments?
There is a lot of equipment that you’ll need to buy before your coffee shop is ready to open, but once you have it installed and you have your suppliers all lined up, your shop is ready for business! You’ll likely come up with a few more tools and equipment that your shop could use, but you’ll still be able to operate your shop without them.